
Hospital FoOd gets a gourmet Makeover

I'm currently staying in the hospital due to back surgery.... Hospitals are no fun & usually aren't good for Gourmet eats

Actually hospitals have had a bad rap for as long as I can remember & fortunately due to my current situation I can report to you that the eats Are slowly but surely changing. Over the past few months I've been to a couple of facilities & the difference in food was drastic.
A handful of hospitals worldwide are taking on a new approach when it comes to what they serve their patients to eat. Hospitals are the very place we go to feel better and revive our bodies, why shouldn't the food be nutritious, delicious & appealing. When We eat well, We feel well.. It's a preventative measure in the very least.

More health facilities are becoming aware of the impact food has on the public as well as environmental health.

They are signing the Healthy Food in Health care Pledge & are implementing policies & programs, which demonstrate a commitment to "first do No harm & treating food & it's production & distribution as preventative medicine that protects the health of patients,staff & communities

The Pledge:

1.WORK with local farmers, community-based organizations and food suppliers to increase the availability of locally-sourced food.

2.ENCOURAGE our vendors and/or food management companies to supply us with food that is, among other attributes, produced without synthetic pesticides and hormones or antibiotics given to animals in the absence of diagnosed disease and which supports farmer health and welfare, and ecologically protective and restorative agriculture.

3.IMPLEMENT a stepwise program to identify and adopt sustainable food procurement. Begin where fewer barriers exist and immediate steps can be taken. For example, the adoption of rBGH free milk, fair trade coffee, or introduction of organic fresh fruit in the cafeteria.

4.COMMUNICATE to our Group Purchasing Organizations our interest in foods that are identified as local and certified.

5.EDUCATE and communicate within our system and to our patients and community about our nutritious, socially just and ecological sustainable food healthy food practices and procedures.

5.MINIMIZE or beneficially reuse food waste and support the use of food packaging and products which are ecologically protective.

7.DEVELOP a program to promote and source from producers and processors which uphold the dignity of family, farmers, workers and their communities and support sustainable and humane agriculture systems.

8.REPORT annually on implementation of this Pledge.

Has your hospital taken the pledge?

Check at: www.NoHarm.Org

If not,print out the pledge & take it to Your next Dr. Appointment (be the change You want to see)

A better life one BITE @ a time.....

1 comment:

  1. if u don't eat ur cake can i have it.... lol i used to love the food @ granda hills com hospital when my dad would stay there i'd eat his food and he'd eat from the cafeteria...lol glad ur doing well... take care of urself
